HATS online documents

This is a list of publications that are available for downloading or online viewing. For downloading, we provide two different formats: postscript and Microsoft Word ©. The postscript version can either be printed on any postscript printer, or you can view it with a utility such as Ghostscript for Windows. The Word documents can be loaded into Microsoft Word ©, or you can download and install the Microsoft Word Viewer © for 16-bit and 32-bit Windows or Windows 95. Word Viewer allows you to view, copy and print Windows and Macintosh files, but does not allow you to edit them. Word Viewer is Windows freeware and not available for the Macintosh.

Please note that, although we do legally publish these documents online, it is not permitted to distribute them any further electronically or in print, i.e. you can download one copy for your personal use, but, due to the journal's copyright, you are not allowed to distribute these files to other people.

The available documents are sorted by first author, or main co-author if none of us was first author:

J.H. Butler J.W.Elkins J.M. Lobert
S.M. Montzka T.H. Swanson T.M. Thompson
M.C. Volk P.R. Wamsley S.A. Yvon

James W. Elkins

Jürgen M. Lobert

Shari A. Yvon







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